Business Tools
These are some of the tools Business Consulting LLC has used to turn around hundreds of businesses in various industries.
You may edit, reproduce, transfer, and share these tools with other small business owners or intersted persons,
but you cannot sell them or charge money for their use. This info is meant to help small business owners.
We would like to hear how you are using them and we would be happy to any answer questions. Enjoy!
permissions, visit Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
3 Operations
OP104 - Traffic count and Labor Scheduling.pdf
OP101 - Restaurant Productivity Metrics.pdf
OP105 - Up-sell Metrics in Retail Operations.pdf
OP103 - Steps for Calculating Turns & Contribution Margins.pdf
OP102 - Retail Merchandising books and websites.pdf
0 How to work with Business Consulting LLC
!SalesOpertionsFinance Form.pdf
!How to work with Business Consulting LLC.pdf
4 Finance
F101 - Steps to Setting Up QuickBooks.pdf
F102 - Writing an elevator Pitch to get investment.pdf
1 Building a Management Team
BT107 - Management Team member sample form.pdf
BT106 - Management Team member empty form.pdf
BT101 - Building a Functional Organization OVERVIEW.pdf
BT103 - Exodus Ch18 Building a Management Team in the Bible.pdf
BT104 - How to run a Management Team Meeting.pdf
BT105 - How to write a Busines Reccomendation.pdf
BT102 - Building a Mgmt Team, Step One, the Dirty Dozen Interview.pdf
5 Advanced Management Team Topics
AT106 - Management Tracks ORGANIZATION.pdf
AT102 - Management Team p&l report.pdf
AT105 - Management Tracks OPERATIONS.pdf
AT107 - Management Tracks OWNERSHIP.pdf
AT103 - Management Tracks FINANCE.pdf
AT101 - Budgeting with your P&L For Turnaround and Restructuring.pdf
AT104 - Management Tracks MARKETING.pdf
2 Sales and Marketing
SM104 - Using PR in the Marketing Mix.pdf
SM103 - Marketing Strategy 2 Preparing a Positioning Graph.pdf
SM105 - Web Optimization and Conversions.pdf
SM101 - Competitor and Customer Surveys.pdf
SM102 - Consultative Sales for a B2B environemnt.pdf